Pathologist to Flower Shop Owner

When I was 20, I was asked what I would do in life if money was of no issue. I spouted out, “Be a doctor!” I was already pre-med, aiming to maybe be a pathologist. Being a doc had been my idea for many years.

Then I was drilled further. Haven’t you ever wanted to own your own business? “NO!” I had no clue about that world. I only knew the medical realm. I had worked in it since I was 15. Other than babysitting, I hadn’t worked in any other industry. So to provide an answer, I had to ponder. Finally I decided, “I suppose I’d be really happy owning a flower shop and greenhouse.”

After that chat, I added some variety to my course load:  business, communications, marketing, and computer programming. Things clicked! Hmm. Excitement grew!

 I never owned that flower shop, nor did I stay with a pre-med plan, but I’ve been self-employed for over 24 years now. During part of that time, I owned an RV park. I added many indoor and outdoor plants!

If I don’t ever have my own flower shop and greenhouse, well, I’m grateful I was receptive to what could be  ~~  and I still surround myself with lots of flowers (as you see in these pictures). I love their colors and textures. I love the smile that starts on the inside of me and overcomes me!

I hope you enjoy where you are, and I hope you  live accessible to whatever else might be possible.


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